Our Individual Course Program allows parents and students to choose one or more individual courses for credit recovery or self-improvement. Our individual courses are completed online and are designed primarily for students who are currently enrolled in an attendance-based high school and need to complete one or more courses with American High School to transfer the credit earned to their local high school.
As in face-to-face classes, online classes include teacher support, lessons, homework, class discussions, and assessments. The main difference is the activities occur over the Internet at a time that is convenient for students. American High School offers the hallmarks of truly effective traditional educational programs quality teachers, quality curriculum, and frequent student-teacher interaction except online.
All courses are taught by certified teachers and meet national and state curriculum. Through American High School, students have access to a wide range of coursework, flexibility in scheduling, developing capacities as independent learners, and more time to complete their coursework.
499 NW 70th Ave. Suite 210
Plantation, FL 33317
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